Sac-Con is being held Saturday and Sunday March 22nd – March 23rd at Sacramento’s SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Halls A & B.

Each Artist Alley table is $175 and comes with two artist badges (2 additional badges may be purchased at check in if needed for $20 each), one 2′ x 8′ table, and two chairs within a 8′ wide by 8′ deep space.

Due to the limited tables available for Sac-Con’s Artist Alley (ONLY 80 Tables!), we will be curating our alley for this show. Our main criteria for selecting artists for this show will be aiming to offer a diverse shopping experience for attendees by selecting a good variety and mix of styles and merch. No extra preparation is needed to apply. Everyone welcome!

This Application for SacCon25 will open Friday, December 13th at 12:00pm PST (NOON) and will end Sunday, December 15th at 11:59pm PST (END OF DAY)

Application Link Here >>> SacCon25 Artist Alley Application

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