saccomic25_webbanners_joel_jaime_alex JIM KRUEGER
Jim Krueger is the former Creative Director of Marvel Comics and a New York Times best-selling author, best-known for his work on iconic comic book titles such as Earth X, Justice, Avengers, Star Wars and more.

He has written for some of the biggest publishers in the business, and collaborated with industry heavyweights like Alex Ross, Gerard Way, Sam Raimi, Steve Aoki, Bill Sienkiewicz and John Paul Leon.

In addition to his work in comics, Jim has written for film, television, and video games, contributing to projects such as the Spider-Man 2 video game, Mortal Combat and the animated series Justice League, among others.

A visionary creator, Jim’s ideas about world-building have been a major influence in shaping popular culture through comics, TV, and film. His groundbreaking Earth X trilogy, which was awarded Best Series of the Year by Wizard Magazine, became the basis for much of the Marvel Universe continuity, influencing movies and TV shows such as Black Panther, Eternals, Moon Knight, Captain Marvel, and Loki.

He was the brainchild behind Batman: Hush, written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Jim Lee, which became one of DC’s top ten best-selling graphic novels of the last twenty years. He famously brought My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way’s Umbrella Academy to Dark Horse, and lobbied DC and Supernatural writer, Adam Glass, to make Harley Quinn a member of the Suicide Squad, leading to Margot Robbie’s involvement in three franchise films so far.


saccomic25_webbanners_joel_jaime_alex JAIME JAMESON
Jaime Jameson has worked on the comic of American Gods (Dark Horse Comics) – Photography, layouts, and has portrayed many of the female characters, including Laura Moon and Zorya P.
Ms. Jameson has worked on covers for The Metal Men ( DC Comics ) Deja Thoris ( Dynamite Comics ), worked with legendary creator Keith Giffen on a variety of comics, Dreadstar Graphic Novels with Thanos creator Jim Starlin among many comics related projects. She has a few creator owned projects in the works currently as well. She also does. Voice Overs.
She sells prints of her photography and wood sculptures during some show appearances quite frequently. She is an avid writer, and enjoys writing short horror stories. She has completed several music projects, including Marine Snow and James Jameson. This is in addition to her taking care of her dog, her cats and of course her famous ducks.

saccomic25_webbanners_joel_jaime_alex JOEL ADAMS
Joel, the eldest son of famed comic book legend Neal Adams, graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York, in 1988, and moved to Los Angeles to work at Neal’s west coast offices of Continuity Studios. While at Continuity, he dabbled in comic books helping out on Continuity titles such as “Ms Mystic,” and “Bucky O’Hare”. Outside of Continuity he did covers for Alpha Productions “Blood Thirst” and penciled for Penthouse Comix’ “Young Captain Adventure”.

In 1996, Joel went Marvel Animation to do all the character design for “The Hulk: Animated series.”. From there he went to FOX/Film Roman to Design the Emmy Award winning “King of the Hill”, then to FOX Family to Design “Nascar Racers”.

While working for animation companies, Joel was picked up for all of the licensing art for these shows and others by the licensing companies handling them. Joel’s art has appeared on products from: The Hulk, Nascar Racers, King of the Hill, Captain Scarlet, The Mask(Animation), Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Power Rangers: Light Speed Rescue, Power Rangers: Wild Force, Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire, and more…

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